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☆★Lovely Faye★☆
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The Blogger

Hi there!. I'm Faye and you have stumbled on my little corner in the universe.

I photography, chapstick, anything leopard print, dogs, hello kitty, cute/kawaii things, the color pink, music, movies, vacationing, & video games!! ^^

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The days we've been together, it's all in my memories. Although we're apart from each other, you're still always in my heart. Missing you was a terrible task for me, cause whenever i think about you, my heart will break. But when reminising the memories, i'll feel happy. Thanks for the memories you'd gave me, i'll keep it deep inside my heart, forever... Cause i know you're the one for me.. I love you..

Crochet Pattern - Baby Hello Kitty
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photo from etsy.com seller provided in post.
Something I've always enjoyed doing on my spare time is crochet. Ever since my aunts showed me how to do it, I've always looked into small projects and crochet ideas. Today I came across something so kawaii!!

I was browsing Etsy.com, when I came across a crochet pattern for baby Hello Kitty. OMG!!! They are so cute and cheap! It was $3.50 per pattern and they email it right to you so no waiting for shipping or anything.

I'm just waiting for a payment in my paypal before I'm going to buy it. I can't wait to make these and put them on my desk and shelves. They are so adorable!!

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Proud to be Canadian!
Friday, February 19, 2010

I tweeted about this earlier over twitter. This video is amazing and seriously is one of the best describing Canada and standing up for our beauty country.

There are so many stereotypes and definitely ignorant people out there who ask the dumbest things like:
Those two are just two examples. There are so many more stupid statements that some non-Canadians say. It's pretty ridiculous.

I am definitely proud to be born and raised in Canada even though my family heritage stems from Europe.

So to all my fellow Canadians, watch this video. To all my fellow non-Canadians, still watch this video - you might learn something about our country. LOL!

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First Post
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wewt...I'm going to start blogging again...well, hopefully. Heehee.

Made a new blog under a new name, and well, for now...I guess this is where I might update on stuff more so than my other blogs.

If you know me, great...if you don't hi there! I won't bite...not unless you ask me to. :P

In truth, I miss blogging. But life, is just...blah right now. There hasn't been much to blog about and stuff I do want to blog about, I don't want to post on my "main blog" because I have way too many creepers following me...it's scary to be honest. Hence why this blog is under a new name I'll be going by.

So, just call me FAYE! Weeeeeee..... I love that name for some reason and it's stuck with me for awhile.

Now that introductions are over, I need to clean up this place and fix up this amazing blogskin I'm using. It's gorgeous and I fell in love with it instantly! So simple, clean, and fresh. Love it! ^-^